    Professeur fiable
    Professeur fiable
    Flute lessons for you! Or maybe computer music? I am a professional flute player with an experience on competitions, auditions and concerts. I have a Master Degree in Orchestermusik with distinction at the Zurich University of Arts. I also have a Pedagogy Diploma and experience of three years teaching flute in a music school and 10-year experience in private lessons. Playing music for years had also made me develop love for computer music which I can also share with you or your child. We can develop a unique practice where you play your instrument and combine it with a software for more immersive experience ! My teaching experience comprises teaching adults as well as kids, for diverse levels of experience. With my background on theory and history of music I will help you to discover a wonderful world of music through playing the flute. I can also prepare you for concerts, competitions, auditions and exams, or boost your creativity using the software together with the instrument ! All ages and skill levels are welcome! Some of the most important aspects on which I focus on the lessons are: -your good and solid sound and technique -rhythm -careful attention to your own sound, so you can be your own teacher while practicing at home and...MUSIC , FUN and CREATIVITY ! In my practice I always try to find the most natural way of playing and making music which is different for every person and which tends to bring out the most joy while playing!

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    • Professeur depuis mai 2018
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